Acupuncture treatment and complementary therapy techniques

Acupuncture in the back of the neck
Acupuncture treatment In the theory of Chinese Medicine Qi, the vital energy, flows through meridians/channels throughout the body. Fine needles are inserted into points along a network of energy meridians which are the main channels of communication and energy distribution in the body. They link the interior organs with all the various tissues of the superficial areas of the body. By the selection of points both local and distant, this meridian system allows an acupuncturist to influence the function of a particular area and organ system by regulating or improving the quality and flow of qi/life force.
Cupping shown on a back
Cupping The application of suction cups to areas of tension to remove obstruction, promote qi and blood flow and alleviate inflammation.
Moxibustion A technique of warming the needles or points/meridians/affected areas directly to tonify and nourish. Moxa (compact mugwort) cones are burned on top of the needles and a warm, calm, nourishing sensation is felt throughout the body.
Moxibustion shown on a back
Gua Sha An ancient technique of scrapping the muscle along the affected channel with a ceramic spoon to encourages movement of qi and flexibility of the muscles and fascia in pain and stagnation conditions, particularly muscular tension.
Electro Acupuncture Low frequency pulse current is sent through a pair of needles to relieve pain and speed recovery from injury and surgery.
Articular Acupuncture An acupuncture microsystem of anatomical representations and acupuncture points on the ear that identifies and treats bodily disharmony with tiny needles inserted into the ear. Can be a powerful stand-alone treatment or done in conjunction with body acupuncture. A press needle or a plaster with a seed to press that stimulate the point in between treatments is often applied.
Tiny needle in the ear for articular acupuncture
Reflexology Reflexology works indirectly on the problem area via reflexes on the feet, hands and ears which uncannily correspond to all the parts of the body and can be tender when problems arise. It is even more powerful when administered whilst standing up using an advanced technique called Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT). These tender reflexes help to identify where the root of the problem resides and can work to release blockages leading to symptom improvement.
Acu/Reflex Acupuncture needles and Reflexology/VRT are used together. Pressure is applied to corresponding reflexes on the feet and hands whilst synergistically working on the appropriately placed acupuncture needles while the patient gently moves the problem area. Particularly effective for musculoskeletal and pain conditions such as frozen shoulders, locked necks, stiff hips and knees and aching backs which can often be immediately released, and instant pain relief gained in the first treatment. For more complex conditions a few treatments are necessary with relief gained each time.
Massage For particularly stubborn muscular tension deep tissue massage may be used to speed recovery. Head and abdominal massage is applied for conditions in those areas, as well as, for general stress.
Prickling Neurostimulation Technique (PNST) A 10-minute adjunctive therapy. Superficial prickling of the nerve endings using the dermatome nervous system to clear pain pathways and switch the Autonomic Nervous System to the parasympathetic (healing) branch. Particularly effective for musculoskeletal and pain conditions.
PNST instrument
Mental Field Technique (MFT) A system of identifying repetitive, stuck, emotional patterns, fears and phobias, past trauma, obsessive thoughts that may be at the root of physical symptoms and reprogramming the brain with positive thought patterns by tapping and using tonal vibration to clear meridians.
Bach Flower Remedies Developed by Dr. Bach in the 1920s, the 38 flower remedies work to restore negative, common human emotions and personality types to their positive aspect. Very useful for stress, grief, anger, frustration and impatience, loss of confidence and feeling overwhelmed and feelings of hopelessness, depression and despair. Beautifully subtle but effective, they are especially useful for children and animals.
Bach Flowers Remedy kit
Energy healing Hands on healing using intention to direct universal lifeforce energy (qi) to the area of weakness. Often powerful, deeply relaxing and restorative.
Laser allergy clearing Whilst holding the allergen, meridians and acupuncture point along the spine are worked and then red laser light is applied along sections of the meridians. Can clear an allergy in one session although sometimes follow ups are required.
Toxic scar clearance Pathological scarring can be a block to healing by interfering with qi and blood flow distorting communication via the meridians. These scars can be the cause of pain, disease and mental emotional disorders and need to be identified and cleared. Useful in post-cancer and post-operation recovery and after a Caesarean section.


Acupuncture treatment and complementary therapies session tailored to individual needs:

30 mins - £40

45 min - £60

1 hour - £75

6 sessions - £420

Allergy and intolerances testing and red laser desensitising
(not for severe allergy that causes anaphylaxis) – £150

Concessions available and reduced fee for children - Please call to discuss
For appointments contact Andrea Allardyce
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BSc TCM: Acupuncture – 1 st class 2005
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Diploma of Reflexology – International Federation of Reflexologists 1998 dip
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ITEC – holistic massage -1998
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Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner – 2000
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Vertical Reflex Therapy
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Sekhem energy healing – level 1 & 2
Continued Professional Development
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Prickling Neurostimulation technique
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Dr. Klinghardt ART1, ART2, Healing Practice Retreat
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Acupuncture for fertility
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IVF protocol
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Facial Acupuncture
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Musculoskeletal acupuncture
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Auricular acupuncture
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Plant spirit medicine - Growing awareness of nature - Blue Deer Centre
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Mental Field Techniques (MFT)
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Uniting Spiritual and Vibrational Practices – Vesica Institute