Each session is unique and tailored to the individual TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) diagnosis, using the best combination of these complementary modalities to treat the presenting condition and restore health. The aim is to work through and restore balance to all levels of the body: the physical, emotional, mental and intuitive. An integrative approach can be the key to unlocking the underlying cause of a problem.
Traditional Chinese Medicine can provide insight into the cause and nature of most conditions. Rather than focus purely on the symptoms of disease, TCM considers the problem holistically in the context of the whole body, to identify weakness and imbalances that may have contributed to the disorder. It aims to correct the root cause of the problem, as well as relieve the presenting symptoms.
At the initial consultation it is necessary to assess and understand the whole person along with the signs and symptoms of the problem itself. A full case-history will be taken using the traditional diagnostic skills: questioning, looking, listening, palpation, observing the tongue and feeling the pulse to establish a diagnosis.
Once a TCM diagnosis is made, an acupuncture points prescription will be established and adapted throughout the course of treatment. This is amplified with a combination of other techniques tailored to the individual diagnosis and their current symptoms over the course of several sessions. A course of 6-8 sessions is generally required although symptoms may improve quicker. Acute musculoskeletal conditions often respond in 1-2 sessions.